浏览employee name:hr id:
department:ivision platformdepartment manager:
please submit the approved le***e application to hr (original copy)
annual vacationplease check the appropriate box(one box only)
employee record update
current year entitlement (a)days
last year accrual (b)days
ytdays taken (c)days
balance to go (d)days
*note: a+b-c=d
sick/sicknessisability le***e pls. attachoctor’s certificate &
doctor’siagnoses book
marriage le***e
maternity/fraternity pls. attachoctor’s certificate
compassionate le***e
unpaid le***e
nursing le***e
other time off without pay:pls. specify reason:
employee signature : rachel huangdate:
department manager signaturedate
human resources use only:
days actually taken this time_________________(if applicable)
payroll action taken (if applicable)