
2023-01-07 11:43 3 浏览


命题学校:汉阳一中 命题教师:李桂珍 审题教师:吴丽华

〖试时间:2月7日下午3:00 5:00 试卷满分:150分



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2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2b铅笔把答题***对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。答在试题卷上无效。

3. 非选择题的作答:用黑色墨水笔的签字笔直接答在答题***的每题所对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷上或答题卡指定区域外无效。





1. whatoes the man think of***id's car?

a. it’s too expensive.

b. it's really cheap.

c. it's rather old.

2. whenid the woman go shopping?

a. before sleeping.

b. after taking a walk.

c. afterinner.

3. what can we learn from theialogue?

a. the man's car hit a truck.

b. the man is badly injured.

c. the car can still work well.

4. howoes peter feel about the results of the test?

a. worried.


c. satisfied.

5. where are the two speakers most probably?

a. in a taxi.

b. on a bus.

c. on a plane.




6. who went on a package holiday?

a. tony and betty.

b. tony and julia.

c. julia and betty.

7. howid the man like the holiday?

a. comfortable.


c. wonderful.


8. what's the probable relationship between the speakers?

a. teacher and student.

b. classmates.

c. father andaughter.

9. whatoes the woman worry about?

a. her term paper.

b. the exams.

c. her health.

10. whatoes the man advise her too?

a. hand in the paper.

b. change her major.

c.o something relaxing.


11. why won't susan go to phoenix?

a. sheidn't book a plane ticket.

b. she lost her plane ticket.

c. she can't afford the trip.

12. whereid susan probably lose her wallet?

a. in the street.

b. in the bank.

c. on the bus.

13. whatoes the man advise susan too?

a. to go to the police station.

b. to call the bus company.

c. to ask someone about it.


14. what is the rent of the apartment near the park?

a. $ 400.

b. $ 350.

c. $ 415.

15. what is the cheapest two-bedroom apartment like?

a. it's rather noisy.

b. it's very quiet.

c. it's not furnished.

16. which apartmento they pfer?

a. the one next to the supermarket.

b. the one near university ***enue.

c. the one on fifteenth ***enue.


17. what is the man speaker probably?

a. a zoo keeper.

b. a volunteer.

c. an animal expert.

18. what can we learn about volunteers?

a. they can operate on sick animals.

b. they are not allowed too office work.

c. they can help animals in theiraily life.

19. which is not mentioned to help abandoned pets?

a. the responsibility.

b. the medical care.

c. the family's support.

20. where can you go if you want to help animals?

a. to the nature centers.

b.to the pet shops.

c. to the local hospitals.

